Sustainable Communities Program
A selection of work produced in 2012 as a Grant Recipient in the US Department of Housing and Urban Development's "Sustainable Housing & Communities Program". Software: Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop Location: Multiple, throughout the United States : 2012-2013 As a Sustainable Communities Program Grantee, our primairy responsibility was to function as a "capacity building service provider" - working directly with the 2010 and 2011 HUD Sustainable Communities Program grant recipients. In this role we, in conjunction with our partners, provided skills and training in the scenarios planning process. This was achieved through on-line webinars, public workshops and seminars, one-on-one exchanges, and printed and electronic brochures and other support materials. In addition Envision Utah was part of a national coalition and leadership network of Sustainable Communities Grantees whose purpose was to facilitate the exchange of successful strategies, lessons learned, emerging tools and public engagement strategies, and approaches for avoiding or minimizing pitfalls related to scenario planning. Role: Public involvement, technical assistance, report creation, branding, marketing materials Organization: Envision Utah Partners: Fregonese Associates, Inc. (Portland, OR), Robert Grow Consulting, PlaceMatters (Denver, CO), US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in partnership with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Sustainable Communities Program.