Wasatch Choice for 2040
A selection of two and three-dimensional visual work produced in 2011-2012 for the "Wasatch Choice for 2040" project. Software: Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, ArcGIS, Google Earth Pro, and Arc2Earth. Location: Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, and Utah Counties - Northern Utah : 2011-2013. The Wasatch Choice for 2040 project is the culmination of a regional visioning process to explore how patterns of development impact long-term quality of life and economic development in the greater Salt Lake City metropolitan area. The final vision encourages a variety of strategically-located urban centers throughout the region that are connected by high capacity transit. Projected benefits include more robust housing and transportation choices, enhanced economic development opportunities, improved management of natural resources, preservation of neighborhood integrity, and improved public health. Role: Research, public involvement, data collection, scenarios analysis, planning visualization, urban design concepts, map creation, report creation, branding, marketing materials. Organization: Envision Utah Partners: Wasatch Front Regional Council, Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City, Utah Transit Authority, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Fregonese Associates, Inc. (Portland, OR), Metropolitan Research Center (University of Utah), Bureau of Economic and Business Research, Utah Dept. of Transportation, Utah Chapter of the American Planning Association, Mountainland Association of Governments.